Anna Siri

Anna Siri

Anna Siri

Università di Genova - Museo Etnomedicina

Anna Siri, PhD, is co-founder of the UNESCO Chair in "Anthropology of Health. Biosphere and Healing Systems". She is responsible for preservation, conservation, technical study, and research of the Museum of Ethnomedicine A. Scarpa, a unique bio-anthropological collection of the University of Genoa.

Her main interests are the interconnections between biological systems, past and present, and their relationship to traditional health systems. Anna obtained the Seal of Excellence delivered by the European Commission with the project proposal "GENIE" submitted under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions call H2020-MSCA-IF-2020, evaluated by an international panel of independent experts and scored as a high-quality project proposal in a highly competitive evaluations process.

She collaborates with international research centres on valorising the tangible and intangible cultural heritage linked to peoples' traditional healing systems and promoting the biocultural corridors centred on the interconnection between ecosystems and the restoration of their original biological and cultural functions as pathways of natural and cultural exchange. She has also received significant awards from the Italian Ministry of Culture and the Ligurian Academy of Sciences and Letters.

Other research interests cover gender and migration and intersecting inequalities.

Anna has consolidated experience in European projects and has been writing and coordinating for years numerous research projects funded under the prestigious MSCA and H2020 programmes and teaching and science dissemination projects funded by MIBACT, Foundations and EACEA under the Erasmus Plus KA 2 Strategic Partnership programme. She works on international development cooperation in Central and South America (Santo Domingo, Peru, Paraguay), Africa (Morocco, Benin), and Indonesia and promotes anthropological approaches in humanitarian intervention contexts. She has been an Adjunct Professor at the University of Genoa for over 15 years and teaches Anthropology at the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences. In addition, she collaborates in the dissemination and promotion of anthropological research through innovative methodologies for the open sharing of science; she organises conferences and museum exhibitions at the national and international level around the UNIGE anthropologic collection and the activities promoted by the University of Genoa and by the UNESCO Chair. In addition, she is scientifically active with more than 120 publications, including books, book chapters, and articles published in scientific journals of international relevance (Scopus, WoS). In the last ten years, she has organised eight international conferences and four temporary exhibitions and has been invited to more than 50 international conferences, workshops and symposia.


Nell'ambito delle attività promosse dalla Cattedra UNESCO si occupa in particolare della protezione, gestione, valorizzazione dei beni antropologici del Museo di Etnomedicina A. Scarpa dell’Università di Genova.

Svolge attività di studio, ricerca, pubblicazione scientifica e divulgativa, didattica ed educazione nel campo dell'antropologia stimolando nuove collaborazioni per progetti interdisciplinari e intersettoriali.

Promuove la realizzazione di un sistema educativo permanente in grado di porre in relazione dinamica università, scuola e istituzioni presenti nel territorio al fine di preservare la diversità bio-culturale, contribuendo così alla formazione di una cittadinanza consapevole e attiva. Collabora all'attivazione di una rete internazionale di musei antropologici, archeologici, etnografici e di science naturali al fine di rafforzare il sistema di trasferimento delle conoscenze e fornire un luogo di incontro tra i saperi di culture "diverse".

E' impegnata, inoltre, nella realizzazione del progetto di ricostruzione virtuale delle collezioni per la loro fruizione su una piattaforma real-time on-line.


Ultimo aggiornamento 7 Novembre 2022